AgriVogue-Prairie Berries Spearhead Saskatoon Berry Korean Debut

Canada’s indigenous superfruit – the “saskatoon berry” – has made its official Asian debut in S. Korea.

The debut, held at the Canadian Embassy in Seoul on Nov. 19, 2013, featured an educational seminar and a tasting event with an array of dishes prepared with the super fruit.

“Saskatoon berries are Canada’s hidden treasure when it comes to fruit with high sources of antioxidant capacity. One might say they are the purple gold of the prairie provinces, and until recently, unknown to the rest of the world,” said Sandra Purdy, president of Saskatchewan-based Prairie Berries Inc., operator of the world’s largest saskatoon berry orchard. “We are pleased to have this opportunity to have Korea learn about this wonderful fruit. I think the Korean people, with their focus on a healthy lifestyle and a keen interest in quality products, will make Korea a great test bed for introducing saskatoon berries to the region,” she added.

Soh-jung (Lauren) Yoo, CEO of AgriVogue and Korea representative of Prairie Berries Inc. said: “The heightened value of improving or maintaining one’s health and leading a healthy lifestyle has been fueling nationwide interest in superfoods, and so, it couldn’t have been a better time to introduce the saskatoon berry, Canada’s representative superfruit, to quality-driven and health-minded Koreans." Yoo then added: “Also, to most Koreans, Canada is synonymous with nature, and introducing this Canadian super fruit can be a way of bringing the two cultures closer together. I’m very happy to be part of this initiative of bringing the saskatoon to Korea."

Yoo emphasized that in addition to being a health and gourmet food item, AgriVogue and Prairie Berries look forward to the saskatoon berry being popular in the fields of nutraceuticals, medicine, and cosmetics.

Guests of the debut event included buyers, food stylists, food-industry experts, journalists, media executives, Canadian government officials, and Canada Ambassador to S. Korea David Chatterson.

The saskatoon berry's Asian debut also drew Canada media coverage from the nation's major broadcasting station, CBC Radio.

Agriculture Counsellor Angela Bilkhu makes the opening remarks, highlighting the significance of the
saskatoon berry and its entry to the S. Korean market.

AgriVogue CEO Soh-jung (Lauren) Yoo, S. Korean representative of Prairie Berries Inc., begins her
presentation of the saskatoon berry's super-fruit properties as reporters cover the event.

Yoo stands for a photo in between the Canadian and S. Korean flags to mark the special development in
bilateral trade and relations.

A diverse selection of desserts and edibles prepared with the saskatoon berry impressed the guests.
The delectable pies and pastry desserts were prepared by the cake and pastry stylist of Sweet Party & Cake.

A variety of Prairie Berries' gourmet saskatoon berry products on display at the event.

Guests discover and enjoy the array of dishes and desserts featuring the saskatoon berry in various forms.
The scrumptious dishes and lovely layout of the food tables were the works of Party & Cook MOIM.
The Saskatoon Berry Country Potato Salad was prepared by Soh-jung (Lauren) Yoo with her favourite recipe.

The standing banner and welcoming table give guests a warm greeting to the saskatoon berry's
Asian debut event.


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